Slime mould – each word is bad enough by itself, but the effect is much worse in combination – eww, ick, gross! Slime mould sounds dangerous AND disgusting. Parents might panic if slime mould were found in their child’s school; potential buyers would refuse a home with slime mould in it, and on top of that, it sounds as slippery as the proverbial banana peel.
And yet, after watching the documentary film The Creeping Garden (which had its world premiere at Fantasia) I know that it is not dangerous, and I do believe that an enterprising person could turn slime mould into the next chia pet, or a modern-day version of “sea monkeys.” Somewhere, an MBA class might be working on such a project right now. If so, the first order of the day would have to be – a name change.
Using beautiful, often hypnotic images, and the words of artists and scientists (amateur and professional), The Creeping Garden introduces us to this fascinating . . . entity. Slime mould was once thought to be a plant at one stage of its existence and an animal at another, because of its ability to move, albeit slowly. (It moves slower than the slowest snail; you need time-lapse photography to see it.) For some time, slime mould was classified as a fungus, but that designation was later changed, too.
Scientists estimate that slime mould could be as much as 600-million years old.There are more than 1,000 varieties of slime mould out there. It can look like a delicate fern, little yellow balls, grains of translucent rice, chopped up spaghetti, or a meandering river, seen from above. On the other hand, one kind goes by the common name of Dog Vomit, for reasons that are quite obvious when you look at it. (Check out a New York Times slime-mould slide-show here.)
Sometimes the film shows us slime mould as the naked eye would see it, other times we see it magnified through a high-powered microscope.
Slime mould has attracted many fans, and they come in many varieties,too. There are those who study it in their spare time just for the joy of discovery, others who make art with it (images or music) yet others who are using it to solve real-world problems, such as the quickest way to get to a fire exit in a building with a complicated layout.
In a natural environment, such as a forest, slime mould eats the products of decomposition, without causing decomposition itself. When “held in captivity” one of slime mould’s favourite foods is oatmeal. (Learning that made me feel somewhat connected to slime mould, as I’m quite fond of oatmeal myself, especially in the cold winter months.)
Slime mould in its many manifestations is interesting enough to look at, but the film presents other interesting sights, including a Victorian, triple-lensed Magic Lantern made from shiny brass and rich wood. (There’s a photo of a similar one here, on the web page of an Australian museum.)
A visit to the Fungarium at Kew Gardens reveals drawers and drawers full of neatly labeled specimens collected by generations of “citizen scientists.” We are reminded that these men and women were amateurs in the original sense of the word – people who loved something, as opposed to “non-professionals.”
We see snippets of old BBC nature shows, which are reminiscent of early CBC productions.
Slime mould is used as a primitive computer at the International Center of Unconventional Computing in Bristol. (Sounds like an interesting place to work!)
At an exhibition in Rotterdam, British slime-mould artist Heather Barnett persuaded attendees and people from the streets to tie themselves together with yellow ropes in an imitation of slime mould behaviour. They were instructed to get themselves from A to B without speaking, though they were allowed to use hand gestures and facial expressions.
In 2000 Barnett was as artist-in-residence at Poole Hospital in Dorset, where she designed wallpaper based on her own cells. (Did any film viewers exclaim excitedly “That’s a job?” and start planning their own projects? I wonder.)
The film begins and ends with black-and-white TV footage about a mysterious thing growing in a Texas backyard. This device, along with the monster movie sound track by Jim O’Rourke, creates a link with sci-fi, horror films of the past such as The Blob.
In a Q&A after the film, directorsTim Grabham and Jasper Sharp said they hoped to combine future screenings with workshops led by Barnett. Participants could go home with their very own slime-mould pet. This idea was welcomed very enthusiastically by the audience. Those who don’t want to wait that long can order a Physarum Culture Kit from the U.S. company
Trivia: This was one of three films at the Fantasia International Film Festival to have the word “creep” (or a variant thereof) in its title.
The Creeping Garden
Documentary, U.K., 2014
81 minutes, in English
Directors: Tim Grabham, Jasper Sharp
Company: Cinema Iloobia
Seen at the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where The Creeping Garden had its world premiere. The two screenings of the film were sold out.
Further reading about slime mould:
The New York Times has a very comprehensive article, PBS has a scientific one (The Sublime Slime Mold), along with a more informal, first-person account (The Day ‘Dog Vomit’ Slime Mold Invaded My Front Yard).
Slime-mould experiments indicate that some aspects of the U.K. highway network are inefficient, according to this article in The Guardian.
For a Canadian connection – Trans-Canada Slimeways, an article on the web site Scientific Canadian describes an experiment in which the slime mould Physarum polycephalum was placed on a map of Canada. Major cities and towns were represented by little mounds of oatmeal. In making its way to the oatmeal, the slime mould reproduced the Canadian highway system.
This article at Science Daily talks about the same experiment. There are links to more slime-mould articles on the right side of the page.
Further reading about artist Heather Barnett: